I finally finished this after dabbling with it on and off for nearly a year.

I really enjoyed this game. When it was first announced or I first saw a trailer I was annoyed that it looks so close to the movie versions without just being the movie versions. Same thing with the Avengers game I never played that everyone hates. But over the course of this game I really came to appreciate these versions of the characters. They retain all the core qualities of the characters while doing enough to differentiate themselves from the movie versions and warranting their existence. I also like the little references to other Marvel properties we haven't seen in the MCU yet like Dazzler and Darkhawk. These little things helped it feel like it was it's own proper expanded marvel universe and not just the movie one.

The gameplay, especially the combat, can feel a bit chaotic, but once you've figured it out it's a lot of fun. The AI is done really well and your teammates never feel like they drag you down or like you have to do a lot of hand holding. That's a hard thing to get down with one AI character for one small portion of a game let alone an entire 20 hour game with several characters.

You only play as Star Lord and you give orders to other guardians and i thought this would get stale only ever playing as the one character but it works really well. The story was a really good blend of a solid video game and solid comic book story while retaining that James Gunn emotional core like the movies. The cinematics are incredibly well done and the final confrontation with Nikki at the birthday party legitimately had me tearing up. The graphics and facial animations are movie quality.

The story has a bunch of fun references and cameos. I really liked the inclusion of Adam Warlock and Mantis. This is a very Guardians type story. The gameplay is fun throughout but could have maybe used a bit more puzzles with some actual challenge. Not just "hey drax move that stone there." The only bugs I found were sometimes the audio was delayed. Like a character would say "hey open that door" after I already opened it. Not necessarily a bug but an annoyance that affects immersion. I had one crash. Sometimes thered be some objects clipping through others. Little teeny tiny things that aren't complete gamebreakers or ones that entirely ruined my experience.

The collectibles look annoying to get as they didn't do a great job of tracking them for you or giving you an easy way to free roam to pick them up. At the start I wasn't looking forward to going back through this a 2nd time to get them all but by the end I've had such a fun time playing it and now I feel like I finally really understand the combat and level design that I'm really looking forward to getting the platinum trophy for this.

I love the guardians and this was a great way to spend some time with them in the lead up to volume 3 this May.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
