Overall a really solid linear/single-player experience that the Avengers game failed to achieve. This is basically what people wanted out of a Square Enix and Marvel partnership so it was strange that this got a lot of hate when it was first announced. There's a lot of creativity here with the Marvel universe foundation, and Guardians of the Galaxy actually drew from a lot of deeper cuts from the comics, as well as managing to touch on some more unique aspects story-wise. It still felt like the MCU's shadow was looming over it, as if the developers couldn't stray too far from the movie material (which isn't completely a bad thing, those movies added a lot of needed characterization to the Guardians cast), but this game manages to stand out on it's own.

There's a lot of nitpicks I had, though, such as getting all the upgrades and abilities when I was only a little over halfway through the game despite continuing to get the materials for upgrades, or encountering a ton of bugs where I had to reload saves. I got the feeling that with the poor reception of Avengers this game was rushed out before it could be as polished as it needed to be. Near the end the game also began to get a bit repetitive and turned into me just mindlessly playing as I tried to get to the ending as fast as possible.

From that first overly long trailer at the Square Enix E3 presentation I knew Guardians of the Galaxy would at least be fun, but I didn't expect the story to actually get pretty heartfelt. As someone that already enjoys these characters from their past material in comics and movies it ended up being more of what I enjoyed, and I hope if Eidos-Montréal makes another Guardians or Marvel game it will have a bit more to it and some more time to iron out the kinks.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
