It'd be a lie if I said I didn't thoroughly enjoyed my journey at the same time it'd be a bigger lie if I didn't say I hated it more. It'd be the biggest lie if I didn't tell the newest and biggest sensation of 2024's is barely functional being where my very frustruations lie at. It has a long road ahead and I hope Nintendo does not axe it off somehow. Good luck to devs, sincerely, it can be truly something if developed. As it is at the time being, it's just another collector game and survival aspect is weak in every way imaginable. You don't really have control over your pals at your camp. They do whatthefuckever they want which might slow or even kill your progress in the meantime you still adventuring and thinking your camp is automated and they take care of each other themselves. No, you are a baby sitter who needs to sit at the camp each day so you can monitor how chaotic it is. A true Amazon warehouse experience indeed.

ps: I respect that they seemingly respect the player's time and try to make game more accessible but even with the world options the whole inventory management is so chaotic. It takes unnecessarily long to craft endgame items and you'll be making bunch of spheres to capture endgame pals. It just turns into a huge plain waste of time. I had to cheat and ngl I had much more fun then I realized how unbalanced were some things. Cheat for your own sanity. I'd only go back to the game if we could actually assign our pals to the desired jobs and turn off the facilities we no longer need without actually destroying them. Thinking of this should have not been hard for devs. Cmon...

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
