Idk if anyone else had this happen but when I made a Facebook account for the first time my dad commandeered my account to have yet another FarmVille account. My man was running my mom's farm, my farm, the farm of my brother, and my grandma's too. He would cycle through them periodically throughout the day and time the crops to make sure he maximized efficiency.

That doesn't really have anything to do with this game, but I thought it was worth sharing. I think FarmVille of days past really was something special though. It was a simple idle game, but it had lots of community events, special integration for Facebook leaderboards, lots of different trees and animals and crops, and a weirdly good theme song.

As always though, the game quickly jumped the shark and went from a simple but effective farming sim to an absolute juggernaut of bloated content. The game surely would have died much sooner if not for these additions, but it seriously damaged the game's quality as a result. A sad, slow decline for a game I remember playing fondly.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2021
