PUBG Mobile unironically goes hard. My computer is unable to handle the real PUBG and I've seen what horrors trying to run this game on a console looks like, but somehow PUBG Mobile manages to be a smooth and impressive game on a phone. I played the heck out of it when it first came out and I return every once in a while to see special events or just to scratch that battle royale itch.
It's unironically better than the original. They're both monetized to about the same degree, only this one is free to download and play. The updates and additions to PUBG Mobile are somewhat consistent and actually do things to fix the game, as well as provide players with fun objectives to complete while in a match.

It is still a mobile game at the end of the day, so don't expect anything incredible, but the stuff that's here is impressive.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2021
