Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

For some reason, I had always thought TMNT Tournament Fighters was the only one-on-one fighting game for the Nes (unless you count the tournament mode of Karate Kid). BUT I THOUGHT WRONG. Not only is there another fighter for the Nes, but unlike TMNT Tournament Fighters, this one doesn’t suck. Proof that Joy Mech Fighter doesn’t suck? Well, for starters, after playing TMNT TF for five minutes, I thought that little gray cartridge would make an excellent substitute for a clay pidgeon. I had no such sentiments after playing Joy Mech Fighter.

Anyway, I imagine you’ve played a fighting game before, so I’ll spare you the details of what the gameplay is like, because its like every single other fighter. What sets it apart is the concept of the game. You start with one robot fighter, and as you play through the game, each robot you beat becomes a new playable character. It’s like Megaman meets Street Fighter. And the graphics totally kick ass for an nes game. You’ve gotta check this one out, it’s bound to keep you entertained for awhile.
(editor's note: I agree this game owns)

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
