Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Mirai Senshi Lios is a nifty Strategy RPG for Nes, which plays incredibly similar to Front Mission. You have command of a bunch of armored mech units, and you go out and kick your enemy’s butt in with them. Basically, you have a drop ship and a commander, and so does the enemy. You either have to annihilate the enemy, or kill both the drop ship and the commander. Of course, the enemy has it lot easier when trying to kill you. See, if your comander OR your dropship goes bewm, you can forget about winning. Not a chance for you. You’re just another victim of Twistied Video Game Logic.

Also, there is a plot going on underneath all the strategy stuff, which is somewhat rare in this genre (not counting Shining Force and Dark Wizard, of course). Most strategy games have no justification behind them. Take any of the Gameboy Wars games. You’re just mindlessly pummeling the oppostion for… what?! What did they do to you? Why are you fighting a war? (Why do I try to think about stuff like this :P). That lack of reasoning kinda turns people off from the genre, but fortunately, this game brings a pleasant break from the strategy norm. The game is definitely worth your time, you should check it out!

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
