Game Review - originally written by TheRedEye

Felix the Cat. Fuckin' Felix the Cat. In his goddam 1960s incarnation with the magic bag and shit. Again.

Otto Mesmer was a genius. Those 1920s cartoons were fucking BOSS. I hate this 60s drug-induced bullshit version. I'm kind of drunk, but someone asked me to review this pig shit of a game.

This is one of those pirate things. What that ultimately means is that some asshole in Taiwan (it's ALWAYS Taiwan) one day decided to rip off whatever license he could. Felix was the victim. He took the existing game, Felix the Cat by Hudson, and took away all the good stuff. Gone is the play control, enjoyability, and sanity of the original. Instead, there is only pain. Pain and bad music.

I beat this game, once. Months ago. Back when I first got the ROM dump. It's actually pretty easy. Some of the animation is good. But it's a terrible game, and I don't recommend downloading it.

Um...what else? Oh. I have a theory. This was done by Tomsoft. Remember Wait and See? Same guy. Seriously. Don't fucking question me, I'm TheRedEye. I just made out with your girlfriend while you weren't looking.

Fuckit. Download the game. I don't care.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
