Game Review - originally written by TheRedEye

Have you ever just sat back, stared off into nothingness, and contemplated just what it is about life that keeps you going? I haven't. I'm usually too busy contemplating my laundry, mentally sorting out which shirts look clean enough to wear to work tomorrow. But if I did manage to put any thought into it, I have a feeling that I'd come to the conclusion that there's nothing in life I enjoy more than shooting stuff.

Yes, that's right. Give me a delicious orange-flavored Nintendo Zapper and I can keep myself entertained for hours. Fuck, I don't even need a video game to play. That clanging spring sound is enough to make me giggle like a schoolgirl every time, without fail. It's like a drug, really, and if cops didn't automatically shoot anyone holding a toy gun, I'd take the thing with me everywhere, teaching the world how to laugh and love and dream again...for the first time!

Luckily, companies like Bandai realized that folks such as myself probably shouldn't be allowed out of the house, and were intuitive enough to make games as distracting as Shooting Range, this evening's ROM release.

Shooting Range isn't a great game by any means. The stages are short and uninteresting, offering nothing in the way of hidden extras or interesting distractions. The game itself is both short and easy, like myself, and offers almost no replay value. Like myself.

However, the character designs and animations are sharp and witty, the background graphics are well done, and the game has a lot to offer in a party atmosphere. Then again, if you pulled this out at a party, I'd probably laugh at you and sleep with your girlfriend.

But I digress.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
