Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Okay. Normally, I'm not the biggest fighting game fan in the world. I usually stick to my Capcom and my SNK and wave my middle fingers at the crappy knock-offs that other companies try to throw at me. Having said that, I was shocked to find that this game is not only pretty good, it's fucking great. Bandai usually churns out ho-hum games based on anime licenses, but this is an exception. I mean, yeah, it's still an anime license, but it's not ho-hum. The graphics are very pretty, the music is rockin, and the gameplay mechanics are smooth as you could want them to be. If you're bored with Super Duper Ultimate Mecha World Champion Street Fighter 2 Omega3, give this a shot.
(editor's note: I agree, back in 2005 this was one of the first games I discovered via emulation and I was blown away by the superb presentation and gigantic sprites for an SNES fighting game)

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
