Game Review - by Spinner 8

The first thing you will say (besides “hey, that Doropie chick is a hottie”) is “God damn, this game is a lot like Megaman”. Well, that’s because it is. A lot. Especially in the “run and jump and shoot at things” department. There are some notable differences of course, the biggest being the fact that Megaman was never this difficult. In the Megaman games you could, say, regain your health sometimes. And if you died, you wouldn’t start over at the beginning of the level, every damn freakin’ time. And you have different weapons at the outset of the game, though all you’ll use are the bouncy ball and Rush. Err not Rush, I mean the broom. Haha, how silly of me.

Anyway, this game is too hard to be fun. Fortunately, emulators typically come equipped with savestates.

Oh! This game was released as The Krion Conquest here in the States, but it had a lot of stuff cut.
(editor's note: the kind of game that would be released on Steam nowadays proclaiming itself "a love letter to the 8-bit era", but actually existent in that time)

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
