Game Review - originally written by Kitsune Sniper

This is the sequel to Kung-Fu, the oldskool game we all know and love. Except now, you’re not a guy that has to save his girlfriend… In this game, you’re a police officer that goes and fights crime using kung-fu!

Which makes no sense if you take into account part one’s story.

Visually, the game’s pretty good. There are little cutscenes between levels where you get messages via a communications unit, either from your friends or someone else cough. You fight on top of a subway, on a flying airplane, a mansion, a ship… oh, and you also fight a gorilla. Not since Bad Street Brawler had a game dared to put you against one. And this time it doesn’t suck!

Except of course that damn Circus level boss. Oh sure, you can drain my entire life in three seconds, and my punches don’t hit you? Bastard.
(editor's note: played through this game recently, pretty good, leagues above the first, has that late NES sheen)

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023
