I think it's pretty safe to say that no other zombie game or coop shooter does it like this game. To be honest, people can probably play this 50 years into the future, and still have just as good of a time as they would now. The vibes and gameplay are impeccable here.

There are times where you have moments of calm where you get to take in the apocalypse, and the horror of it can really sink in when you stop moving, and get a chance to think about it (even if it's a good way to get your shit rocked by a Charger). You're playing as a group of survivors that's immune to the infection, and STILL going through hell, so it's little wonder that the land is as ravaged as it is. Piecing together what people who were there before you did are little things that make the world (or at least the part of America you're playing in) actually feel like it was destroyed by the spread of the disease. It especially feels that way with the graffiti that's strewn about. It's like how people would actually react to a literal zombie outbreak.

Then, you have the intensity of the horde. When the zombies are after your group, it gives a massive feel of organized chaos that a well coordinated team can navigate if they work together, but can easily lead to everything falling apart with a moment of carelessness. Looking out for any threats is tense, and when they do come in droves, it's exhilarating to find a way to barely scrape by with your team. Times where a Smoker separates someone from the group, or a Tank throws a wrench into your plans are panic inducing and adrenaline pumping in a way that I feel like I can't get enough of. Playing this group with a full group of friends really feels like an ordeal to have the team not fall apart. Speaking of friends...

I'm NOT talking about the survivors. I probably would if MY friends weren't FAKES who NEVER play this game with me! If you're reading this, you know who you are! I hope your day gets worse! If you can't appreciate peak when you see it, you don't DESERVE to have good days! If you're not my friends, though, I don't mean that, you are probably a very nice person.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
