oh boy i sure do love repeating the exact same dialogue and puzzles multiple times to get the True Ending. too bad you only need to do the first room six times, i almost had the lock combos memorized by my last run. this might be improved in the remake, but good god it's rough on the ds.

and oh my gooood the descriptions.

The clock was screwed onto the wall with screws. That meant that Junpei needed to use a screwdriver to remove the screws.
-selects screwdriver, taps on clock-
"I can use this screwdriver to unscrew the screws!"
Junpei took out the screwdriver and began the unscrew the screws to free the clock from the wall.
"I did it! I used the screwdriver to unscrew all the screws!"

it was almost that bad at several different points in the game. for a game about racing against the clock to escape a sinking ship, you'd think things would move a bit faster. But no! You can be down to the wire, characters freaking out about how they only have 30 minutes left until they freeze to death, or explode, or catch on fire or whatever so we gotta figure out this room now, and then suddenly one person will pull you aside and find the time to casually tell you a somewhat plot relevant anecdote for 10 minutes.

And don't even get me started on all the math and number puzzles. Stop putting sudoku in fun games! Sudoku isn't fun!! please i'm too stupid for sudoku i can't believe this is such a reoccurring issue for me with puzzle games. even if this one was allegedly "a really easy sudoku puzzle"

But, slowly, so very slowly, watching the story unravel with all the stupid plot twists and surprise reveals was worth it. Not that it makes any more sense at the end. But it was still fun to experience at least. I imagine the re-release fixes some of the replaying issues I had, but playing on the original console (3DS still counts as original right) enhanced a certain reveal towards the end of the game. Also nothing beats the wonder of seeing a nintendo certified DS game say fuck

and no this isn't cope because i only found about the re-release after i beat the game

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023
