Would have rated this higher if the season mode wasn't such a 10+ hrs bore and the god awful loading simulator. A typical event would be like this: Event Starts - select match - 10 sec load screen - story for 5 secs - another 10 sec load - watch a non-playable match (you can skip matches but have to watch a computer simulation of a fight for some reason) - now this goes on and on - finally you get to the match concerning your wrestler - loading - 5 sec story - loading - 2 min match - loading. Seriously, out of almost 12 hrs played, it felt like 50% time spent on loading screens. Even in the Royal Rumble, when a new wrestler enters, there is mid-move pause and LOADING. The PlayStation obviously couldn't handle these games well. The gameplay is fast and enjoyable but the season mode is unplayable. Stay away unless you only want to play exhibition with buddies.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2022
