Story - 5/5
I haven't played Innocence, and Requiem still did enough to catch me up on the story, fall in love with the characters, and get emotional at their hardships. While it seems to drag on a bit at the end, the story has amazing highs and lows.

Audio - 4/5
The background music is good but not great. The amazing parts are how the horror cues are built into the score. I liked most of the voice acting and dialogue, but if I have to hear the main character say "Lord!" one more time I will stab a bitch.

Visuals - 5/5
Modern graphics are insane. This game weaves between gorgeous mountains, islands and cities and then inevitably leads to their gory destruction. This is represented masterfully.

Gameplay - 3/5
While I eventually did get into the groove of the weapons, there's very less diversity. The game also implies that you can play stealthily or aggressively but then forces you into situations where you must do the opposite. The boss fights are all the same - hoards of enemies come at you while you're locked in a small room with weapons. There are also a couple of bugs that required me to load, primarily with companions not following and that breaking the game.

A Plague Tale: Requiem isn't a masterpiece, but it's really close, and it's one of my favourite games of 2022.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
