Got into beta and finished the new player missions and battle pass. I'm not a huge Marvel guy, I checked this out because of Ben Brode and my experience with Hearthstone. I think the core gameplay itself is definitely fun, the card effects and locations are overall pretty neat, and the quick pace of games fits the platform nicely. Maybe I just need to push even further past the FTUE, but it felt like my rate of getting cards was already slowing down pretty hard and most matches were playing out pretty similarly. The "mobile game" aspects here are not the worst ever, but they're also not super simple or non-egregious (but maybe I'm too used to Arclight Rumble, which is very lenient). There's probably double the amount of currencies and systems that really need to exist, and once I saw the "real" battle pass past the new player one, I sort of gave up. I will still open it here and there for a few matches, but I was only keeping up on daily activities to reach the longer term goals of the early BP. The long term goals of the real BP just seem way too far off and it lost me for daily upkeep already. But the core game is fun and a quick match or two will be easy to pick up whenever the mood strikes (until I get too far behind in card acquisition).

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2022
