April, 2024

0h 39m

lvl 32 plunder rahhhh

0h 37m

level 28 plunder rahhh

0h 40m

plundered even MORE got to level 24!!


1h 8m

plundering !!! got to rank 20/40 auuu

1h 3m

played even MORE plunderstorm just by myself today

0h 52m

played some plunderstorm with the bsf!!

5h 13m

mostly just dicked around rather than get anything done... but gosh this game is cute

5h 15m

i don't even really know what i did today... weeklies on ebonyx and arzim again OH i finished up df pathfinder!! i'm just going crazy rn waiting for the MOP remix event ahghhg


1h 57m

had a really awful night so i defrosted this game to stream to my gf T-T !! made it to a bit after makoto awakens his persona