When I replayed this game recently for a marathon leading up to the release of Valhalla, I actually started liking it a bit more, that has changed.
I now see what everyone was talking about, the Assassins and Templars are basically just switched around now, to give Shay more of a reason to join the Templars, like they couldn't have made his change be about some disagreements or maybe he saw that the Brotherhood wasn't truly helping people and decided to leave them so that he could be more of a help to them?
Nope, the Assassins are assholes and the Templars are nice.
Not to mention, this game has a pointless tie-in with Unity that amounts to nothing in the end.
Another thing is that the game is basically Black Flag, but boring, how do you take a game like Black Flag and make it boring?!

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2021
