everything but the kitchen sink design with unwanted emphasis on walking simulator mood pieces. hedon's e1m1 isn't hangar or cradle to grave or even docks, it's a lore reading/jumping marathon/swimming section/vent crawling/half weaponless switch hunt in a 1 texture hole so awful the developer maintains a forum sticky on how to skip it. there couldn't be a more perfect setting of tone for what is likely to be the worst time you'll ever have on gzdoom, and one i certainly hope you didn't pay for. the remainder of the first episode is no less replete with low density slogs, each scarce encounter serving as short-lived preamble to long and cryptic hunts not even hexen can match in monotony. unlike hexen, these levels have massive chunks mapped out without enemies or items just to look cool, like a baths complex with a dozen rooms and zero excitement. when build games did to-scale realistic locations at least you could blow them up. i was begging for sandy petersen abstraction by map 5. mechanically, hedon plays like a stitched together 100-count mod pack with reloading (guns have to be reloaded on pickup lmao), iron sights, quick melee, gymnastics, stupid alt fires like a nausea-inducing axe whirlwind that spins your screen and can't be steered, nv goggles so instead of cool dynamic lighting (not featured) you can just look at green for whole sections, and all the usual god-forsaken suspects. it's Brutal Doom malarkey but on the first level of thief the dark project; it's total incoherence.

likewise, hedon advertises a multi-genre soundtrack because it's just the dev's disparate playlist instead of a cohesive score. akhzul's music beats the hell out of the typical hulshultshit sound these games go for but then it's muted for licensed dnb tracks from unreal tournament and radio-safe alt rock and stoner sludge ????????nani????

only beat e1. i gave e2m1 a look and it begins the same as the first. it's still two-tone with massive rooms full of mood piece decor and a huge central chamber that won't even spawn an imp when you pick up a key. there ain't shit to shoot at folks. this isn't a shooter, it's closer to the dev's sick-brained futa VN with a few more buttons to press and westerner art (ahahahah). we need a total and complete shutdown of "boomer shooters" (Say that shit Get hit) until gamers can find out what the hell is going on

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2021
