I didn't know I wanted to play a chicken John Wick simulator set in the world of the music video for Feel Good Inc, but this one ended up being a fun time!

Admittedly the first third or so was a bit of a struggle to get through. A lot of the early game has no music, so you are just left with the deliberately grungy art style and the character voices; the voice acting is, frankly... pretty awful to be honest. Thankfully the voice acting is few and far between, but it all adds to a slightly oppressive and unwelcoming atmosphere to the early game.

I was also pretty worried about the gameplay. The first few levels made it seem pretty damn one-note; sure you got access to multiple weapons fairly early on, but the strategy for every enemy was just 'mash shoot until they die'; no more nuance was required or even available. But it really grew into itself as the game progressed: different enemy types to be fought in different ways, different weapons that actually feel different, mind control, grenades, etc. etc. The game stays fairly easy despite all this, but it does well at the 'making you feel like a badass' thing it's going for.

But I was most surprised to find myself drawn into the ridiculous world the game is set in. The humour can be hit or miss, but the game is loaded with little details and visual gags that really give it some character. The music when present is actually pretty decent, and I loved the cutscenes styled as full music videos; I felt like it could get annoying but never did and perfectly fit. Overall, a surprise thumbs up from me for this one.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
