This one feels much, much more polished than We Were Here or We Were Here Too. There's much more varied environments, there's a plot, there's cutscenes, and the puzzle are so much more varied and better thought out than in the previous titles. Bring a pen, because boy do they get complex...

If I was to pick holes though, I would start with that story and the set dressing in general. I'm not really sure what starting the game at the research base adds; I felt much happier once we inevitably got back inside the castle, an environment much more fitting for this kind of game imo. The story.... ehhhh, I'm sure somebody likes it, but it didn't do it for me at all. I don't think it needed to be there at all (the first two games lacked any kind of plot and were no worse for it), and it feels like only one of the 2 players gets given enough information to have any clue what's happening. The other gets to watch hackneyed characters just spout overly flowery dialogue at each other and I'm just not here for it.

Overall though, definitely the best of the 3 I've played by this point. It's nice to have a series with a consistent upwards trajectory in terms of quality for once.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
