I have to start by saying this is somewhat fittingly my third Resident Evil game ever. My experience has only been with remakes thus far, (although you could have fooled me into thinking the first game's "remake" was the original.) Also, I'm not even a little bit familiar with the original game, so in terms of how it was adapted I'm at a loss. I can only speak to my experience.

Playing this back-to-back with the RE2 remake has its pros and cons. I loved seeing how it connects the events of the first two games together. Jill is a hardened badass now and the acting in this lets that really shine. I felt like I was getting a lot better at the games having just played the 2nd one, and I think this game recognizes that and naturally ups how many zombies you face and the intensity of it all.

I certainly caught myself spending some of the quiet atmospheric moments in this game letting my mind wander off to the topic of "remakes." The Resident Evil series has always been pushing the boundaries of its genre, with the 4th main series title alone redefining 3rd person shooters, spawning an entirely different series with an alternative version of itself and being widely considered one of the greatest games of all time. Despite its iconography and objective perfection, these games have been consistently remastered time and again, with the very mechanics the series popularized being revamped or included where they originally weren't. Now I find myself playing a version of Resident Evil 3 that handles just like the games the original Resident Evil 3 inspired. The mind reels.

Gameplay wise I have no gripes. I got a hold of the controls quickly, and if I died or made a mistake I knew the onus was on me. There was never a moment I felt cheated that wasn't part of the journey or didn't make me feel like that guy from 'Jurassic Park' who says "clever girl..." It was as smooth of an experience as I could have ever hoped.

I think where most people, myself included, found this experience lacking would be in the delivery of its story. The game opens with a bizzare live-action news montage before leading into a first-person nightmare sequence with Jill, apropos nothing else insofar as I can tell. Textures, fonts, small details in Raccoon City obviously stick out, like big veiny eyeballs on a zombie's shoulder. There was an ad that looked like they traced the M&M mascots. There was a storefront with a sign written in what looked exactly like Blender's default font. The more I think about it, it probably was. It's things like these that didn't do much "take me out of it," but moreso made me raise an eyebrow and continue on enjoying the rest of the game.

I can't fault it much more than that though. I had a really good time playing this one. On to the next!

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
