Sonic Rush if it had 0 fucking swag, what happened here?

No Naganuma on the OST, touchscreen gimmicks that go beyond just special stages, crafting???? for some reason????, zones aren't as detailed as OG Rush, and a lot of dialogue intermissions with one of my least favorite additions to the series so far. (Also, they only had the budget for one dialogue BGM apparently? lmao)

No thanks, there are better games waiting for me down the line, so I'd rather not waste time with a lesser Sonic Rush. If it was as short as the Game Gear games, I'd push through, but I don't wanna waste any more time helping out Marine with her dumbass boats.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024


16 days ago

incrível temos opiniões opostas sobre os dois ojfsdlfklsjffklg

16 days ago

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16 days ago

@Palas POIS É, eu reparei nisso também lmao
tudo bem. o importante é que a gente concorda que sonic cd está acima de todos. 🤝

16 days ago

@ryuk0tsuki acho é lindo pessoas terem as opiniões diferentes assim cada jogo aquece ao menos um coração ♥