this is probably my favorite mortal kombat but we'll see

thus far with my ratings of these games i've ignored talking about the mechanics simply because i'm bad at these games and i would rather you go look up how wild these games are on youtube than read me talk about them
i'm shit, my critiques are probably shit

and i'm gonna mostly continue to do that, but as we're ending the era of these games having basically nothing single player wise outside of the arcade ladder i guess we can talk about that here
simply because i don't really care for them
it's not why these games are great, and it's hard for me to talk about that because i'm not playing them with anybody these times around
every enemy is just an input mirror
they react to what you do and nothing else
a decent chunk of the time, if you just stand still they won't do anything
and when they do shit they're spamming the most optimal shit that makes you feel like you're playing a pro at this game
it's ai, and it can be cheesed, but not by me lol
so why is this and 2 highly rated for me? i've played them with people before lol
i played this and trilogy to death with my cousin, but i've played a fair bit of 2 as well
a lot of the snes ports of both of these
pissing people off with the sheva ground pound was klassic gamer shit my dude
the vibe is still just as good as it was before, that schlock that my head goop cavern truly craves
but a lot of my love for this game is nostalgia

look up comp footage this game is rad

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
