Playtime: 3h
Status: Abandoned

What you may be thinking! Is this guy crazy giving this 2 **!

Well this is a take from someone who didn't grow up with pokemon games, I was already a teenager then. My only real pokemon gaming experience was Go. Which I really liked, the catching aspect and the augmented reality was cool! I also loved showing off my rare pokemon that my friends didn't have. I also remember one of the first 2d pokemons, I enjoyed that too. Apart from that I have no nostalgia or experience with pokemon.

Coming into this game, I found it super boring. Because I don't have pokemon nostalgia, I was looking for some hook in this game. Unfortunately I did not find it. Some people told me they play it to relax and in short bursts. The story is bland, the catching is boring, which essentially just is throw a ball..., the fights were boring, the graphics suck, the tutorial was sooooo damn long with so much text, i am not excited to fill my pokedex. There are so many grindy and boring Pokédex tasks.

Because of my negative view on this game I reached out to my friends in the community to find out why they love this game. From them, I learned the highlights for people is seeing pokemon in their natural habitat, and in the open world, going out and exploring. They got that, but it had no impact on me since I have no clue that for example charazard is a fire pokemon that lives in hot areas, and what his habitat is suppose to look like. I came into this game with 0 expectations, and ready to try what it gave me, and hoping the game would hook me. In contrast, I never played much mario or kirby and I loved those games on the switch!

I am an odd one in this community and I really tried to find ways to like this game. Just couldn’t do it. :)

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
