🎮 Platform: PC - (Bug on GFNow so I could not play it there :( )
⌚ Time to finish - 11h
🏆Trophy completion - did not bother. The activities are already repetitive, and coming off AC2 its EVEN more repetetive.
🤬Difficulty - easy
🌄Graphics – Very nice and still holds up.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Nice.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I hated everything here. The story was boring, all the characters in AC2 i found interesting had no character development. The decision that is made at the end of AC2 was made to sound so mindblowing but its completely trivialized here. Ezio was way more boring here. Characters i wanted to see of more were missing.
🤺 Combat – Boring. More of ac2...
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Boring. My most fav thing about ac2 the villa upgrade they took it a damn step too far. Now you are an entrepreneur opening tons of shops all over the place. Was hard to track, and made me not want to participate. They took one of my fav things away and unnecessarily changed it.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Same as AC2
📣 Voice acting – Good but step down from ac2. They took out Ezio's expositions on death. WHY!? those were cool to hear.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Nothing
👎 Worst thing about the game - They took everything away that was fun and I enjoyed about ac2. All the stealth missions were badly designed and full of bugs. For a stealth game this is atrocious. I hated those finnicky missions especially the mission where you chase people and play in the roman play (not spoiler)
💡Final Thoughts:

Disappointing game. I had high hopes for this as this is suppose to be one of the best ac games. I liked AC2 enough to try this and they took away everything I liked in AC2 and changed it for the sake of doing something different. Sometimes we just want more of the same! So net is they took away everything I enjoyed in ac2, and left all the repetitive bits. Removed some of my fav mechanisms, and characters. So disappointing. Well good news is that I don't have to hit any AC games after this and therefore reduce my backlog and focus on other games. :)

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
