🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 6h story (15 total with 100% trophy)
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - 85% of it is easy. 15% of it is super frustrating because there are certain jumps you have to do with exploding a slug which are completely random and even off by a pixel you miss the target. SUPER frustrating but I had to do it because i was so close. I think one jump took me 30 minutes? If you are going for 100% go in knowing this.
🤬Difficulty - easy - medium. Apart from the 15% in trophy completion.
🌄Graphics – Pretty and nice to look at!
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – really enjoyed the music it fits the theme but nothing stood out. It gave a fun and relevant vibe to the game.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was simple. I really liked the Beetle pushing his pinball around the world. Its a very unique setting and take on pinball metroidvania.
🤺 Combat – Unique, you fight with your pinball. In general combat light, but i enjoyed the boss battles. I wish the next version has more of those boss battles because it changes up the gameplay.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – The game is one of the easier metroidvania to navigate on your own. Its clear when a flipper takes u up or down a map.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Great apart from the trophy caveat i said.
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - Its super unique. A metroidvania pinball that is easy to navigate!
👎 Worst thing about the game - Nothing really. Its missing something to make it a 4+ game. But i hope a 2nd version comes out since the foundation of the game can lead to something even more creative.
💡Final Thoughts:

Super unique game. I never really played pinball games but i got pretty good at getting the ball where i want in a relatively short time. The game also gives some markers to give you an idea of where to go. The map is pretty easy to navigate, and that is coming from someone who gets lost easily in games. Definitely play it since its a short experience. There was one obscure flipper hidden behind a wall (only time its used) that you must activate for a key ability. I wish this was more visible as i was lost for a bit till i looked it up. Then I realized it was so hard to see.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
