🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 5h (90% complete - one trophy - finish without ever loosing the ball was not completed. There are ways to quit the game before ball fails but that sounds not fun at all and already mini golfing is not a precise art ).
🤬Difficulty - easy. Some shots were tricky and frustrating but nothing you can't figure out. Impossible if you go for the plat without quitting the game before failure and restarting.
🌄Graphics – Fitting and pleasant. Its mini golf levels.
🌦 Atmosphere – Great. I really enjoyed the soundtrack which added alot. I really did feel like i was golfing on a post-apocalyptical earth.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Simple and touching main story. Twist expected very early on but still enjoyed the simple premise.
🤺 Combat – None. Although when the ball didn't go where i wanted i wanted to blow it up :)
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –These were fun to do. I enjoyed all the side exploration which often resulted in trophy. You will likely need a guide to discover them but they were fun and silly to do.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Mostly fine. You do have to play with the arcs and pressure each level. But in general i got use to it. I think there were 3-5/33 frustrating holes total.
📣 Voice acting – none.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Soundtrack
👎 Worst thing about the game - none, maybe the no ball loss trophy but its optional.
💡Final Thoughts:

Simple mini golf game with a great sound track and nothing more. If you don't enjoy mini golf you won't like this game. At least get the soundtrack and listen to it.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
