⌚ Time to finish - 8 hours 00 mins
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - Great soundtrack! On par with trilogy.
🌄Graphics – Great! On par with trilogy. Some set pieces are still awesome and hold up to today.
🌦 Atmosphere – It was ok. I wasn't as invested in this as the 2nd game.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Weak. Hard to follow main story. Really took any life out of Chole which I really liked in the 2nd game. Overall the story and characters were very weak. Story was ALL over the place! Sometimes its complicated, sometimes its simple, sometimes you feel like you are wandering purposeless.
🤺 Combat – A step down in fun due to forced fist fights. Little harder than other 2, but as expected combat here. Nothing new.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – No side activities or exploration apart from collectibles.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Good, overall made sense and responded.
📣 Voice acting – Good! Just as expected in the drake series. Chole lost all personality so that i am going to dock this from excellent to good.

📝 Review:

This is to me an up and down roller coaster. The highs are high the lows are lows. I think overall its better than 1, but not as good as 2. 2 set a high bar. They should have just repeated that formula.

I really disliked the hard to follow story and that Chole lost all personality. Characters come in and out for no real reason apart from making sure fans got to see all the characters at some point in the story.

Set pieces are AMAZING as always. There are some VERY memorable set pieces here and up to par with others. But the pace of the game is up and down. The 2nd game hits you punch after punch. Here after a bang, it slows down hard through wandering sequences that last longer than they should, then picks up again.

💡Final Thoughts:

Not the best but still should play. They got the formula right in 2. They should have just stuck to it. They tried to unnecessarily reinvent things and change things up.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
