🎮 Platform: XBOX Series X
⌚ Time played - 17h (no trophy hunting at all rush straight through)
⭐ Score: 2.7/5
🏆Trophy completion - 57% - just whatever i got completing the game.
📚 Full Review:
This game is worse than the 1st game and a completely mediocore to boring game. Sorry guys. Before i dive in deep why, let me tell you one of my FAVORITE types of games are emotional story driven games, such as drake series, last of us, walking dead, etc. However for me to enjoy the games the game has to have emotion, good chars, and an actual engaging story, none of which exists here. Since I did finish the game, it wasn't utter trash so its definitely a finishable game even with its flaws.

- Loved the music, and visuals. one of the best looking games and runs smooth as butter on XboX. This team did their A+ job here.
- The story is boring and nothing creative. I was waiting for a story line that is not typical and something that 90% of us wouldn't be able to think of. The story doesn't go anywhere. Ideas they set forth are never fleshed out or completely forgotten. The story department completely dropped the ball.
- The game is EXTREMELY padded. It starts off nice and ends somewhat nice, but everything in between has so much fluff in it. Its almost like they finished the game and said shit... that was like 4 hours long. How do we add more? I've played enough of these games to know that its never straight forward from A -> B, but how to get there is just not fun here. Examples of fluff:

1) The captain of the boat gets his boat stuck (really?), doesn't lift a finger, and the entire chapter is you doing rat puzzles to unstuck the boat. Nothing about the story line.
2) Go from point a -> b avoiding guards, only to reach point b, repeat the same story point over again, and now go back to to b -> except with now rats chasing you. Over and over again.
3) Go to a -> b, except you randomly lost party members and have to find them first.

-Gameplay is boring. Taking down guards is not fun, its not even puzzly. Dealing with rats is not fun. honestly i would just run through guareds and just go to the next check point because it was so boring. Gameplay doesn't know what it wants to be, it starts off guard and rats, and environmental puzzles, and then completely does away with most of it towards last 30% of game.
-the lore behind the rats, what they can do, what they can't, why they can overwhelm someone with torch, sometimes they can't, it doesnt make any sense from a lore perspective. The whole Ma*** thing is never fully explained.
- All side characters are boring once again. They come and go as the story device needs them.

If you want to enjoy this game just turn off ALL logic part of your brain, ignore anything you have come to expect from previous story driven games, and just focus on the visuals. I am that guy who watches movies and wants things to connect, if you are such a person you will really dislike this game. If you are the kind of person that can turn that part of your brain off, then you can likely do that here and enjoy what is offered to you.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2022
