It's GTA 5. Who hasn't played or at least heard about this game? I would review the campaign exclusively, but that takes away so much from what its role in gaming is.

GTA 5 has a fantastic story mode, and it seems conceptually strange that a series known for vulgar jokes and senseless violence would have such a well-crafted story. I'm not trying to argue that it's some beautiful flowery tale of friendship or love or morals or anything. The main trio is (mostly) irredeemable psychotic criminals whose only ambition is their own gain. But that's the story GTA wants to tell, and it tells it so well.

It's a story of greed, self-obsession, and the supposed "American Dream" being played out to all its horrible ends. Trevor represents the lower-class, the white trash who has been abandoned and clearly lost a mental health battle a long time ago. His story is the comic relief and he's set up to be the clear "crazy evil GTA-centric" character of the group, but you find over time that he's not always the worst person you encounter. Michael represents the so-called American success story, who has everything he wants in life except happiness. He kept filling holes with money, and once that money gets jacked from him thanks to the tennis-coach-gone-wrong-into-cartel story, he finds himself empty. Franklin represents the struggles of the American slums; a man who desperately wants to make it out of his neighborhood but has to resort to crime to do so. All three characters are dynamic, compelling, and bounce across the moral compass constantly. You are very invested in their journey, and the true ending leaves you with a strange sense of completion. You've followed these characters to a happy ending, where they've pulled off the greatest heist ever, tied up loose ends, and found their peace both with each other and with the outside world. These characters are complete, and you helped them find that completion. But that completion comes through countless murders, robberies, and horrible life decisions. How much stolen money and how many dead bodies does it take for these characters to find peace? It's really an interesting approach, and I appreciate that they didn't try to make these characters redeemable.

Aside from the story and characters (mostly Franklin, Franklin is the GOAT), the gameplay is really fun. Gunfights are sometimes repetitive, but satisfying and the settings/scenarios usually change enough to keep it fresh. Driving vehicles feels great, and some of the most fun parts of the game are getting in a car and getting the heck out of dodge. Fast travel of some form might be nice for HUGE landmark traversal (I don't want to drive on Los Angeles highways for 10 minutes straight), but I understand that with a map this huge and detailed you want people to actually traverse it. It's a great game for its legacy AND its gameplay.

And, of course, how I could leave out GTA Online? Easily one of the greatest and most prolific online experiences in the industry. From 2013 Vanoss videos to new challenges and minigames to years and years of updates, the Online experience is filled to the brim with content. It truly feels endless.

GTA 5 is GTA 5. I would like to hear any explanations of why it DOESN'T deserve 5 stars, because I really can't picture any.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023
