thanks to my friend v for purchasing this game for me!

this game is so fun it made me a permanent Pokémon fan, but it doesn't have a great frame rate so it's worthless according to half of twitter. i'm not going to excuse the lack of polish, it's obvious game freak's devs were simply not given as much time as they needed, and it shows. but people are acting like this game is awful. people are seriously talking as if it's unplayable, which i think is ridiculous. scarlet violet is certainly rough around the edges, but i think what we have is insanely fun. i tried to get into pokemon before, but sword/shield just did not click with me. this though? instantly caught me as soon as i booted it up. all 3 of the main plots you follow are cute, fun, and have some heartwarming emotional moments. this entire game just feels good. the ui feels much less clunky than the last entry i tried, the world is huge, and the botw "go wherever do whatever" approach really works. the frame rate isn't great, but the game only crashed once in 40 hours for me, so i don't have much to say regarding bugs, i barely saw any so maybe that's why i think twitter is being so dramatic. i'm not sure. either way, this game is wonderful and is absolutely worth a play. pokemon are so cute and my only serious complaint is 2 of my fav pokemon aren't here, lopunny and mr mime. add those in for dlc and you've got a 6/5 instead of a 5/5

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
