This game is literally the apex of the genre of wrestling games. You are given so much freedom and stuff to do that you can easily sink in 60 or so hours just fucking around doing whatever. The season mode is the best storyline mode that ever came out of WWE games hands-down with the most goofy, off the wall writing you could have associated with this. Granted, sometimes it's kinda cringe because you aren't a kid anymore and aren't able to suspend disbelief as easily, but I don't think it matters that much. The focus isn't necessarily the dialogue, but the dumb wacky scenarios you get put into.

My only real complaint I can think of is that cruiserweights literally just don't exist if your opponent is anything that weighs more than an empty cardboard box, which sucks because it alienates like 20% of the roster and makes them not very enjoyable to use, but there's good enough character selection (especially considering this was right after 2005 which, if I remember correctly, was not the best in that department) to make me not care all that much about it, it's just unfortunate.

I love this game, it's dumb and stupid but like unreasonably fun at the same time, I'm glad that 2K are back to treating their wrestling IP like it's something actually worth spending time on so we can get something that will hopefully be as good as this again.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
