The combat is a step up from automatic gacha like FGO, Epic Seven and the awful SinoAlice, but that's not saying much, especially when you have games like Arknights and Limbus Company which have a far more engaging and interesting combat.

The concept is very interesting, but the story and writing is your usual gacha mumbo jumbo that assumes you're already very much familiar with the story you just about started reading.

The English dub with a british accent, which I understand is supposed to be a pretty big selling point about this game, is...underwhelming, to say the least. That is, it was until I listened to the character with a chinese accent and I just fucking lost it.

The artstyle and characters are amazing, though, and the best thing about the game for me. I mean, what other gacha lets you talking apple? A girl made out of tube TVs? PICKLES THE DOG? Give me the apple that talks like an english butler over Paimon any day.

Can't see myself playing too much of it, but it seems decent at least.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2023
