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gameplay? literally an improvement on all fronts. 7's gameplay was good for what it was but it was way too simple and straightforward, this game just builds on what 7 already had and made it so much more enjoyable its incredible. def a highlight of the game

story? super enjoyable. not without its issues though, for one the antagonists were kind of underwhelming and bryce's final fight was cool but slightly disappointing still since hes the BIG BAD GUY of basically the entire story. Ebina was fantastic though and the games themes were executed well. The ending was also amazing, just a flawless way to top off ichibans character and an awesome send off to kiryu
also to be perfectly honest i could not take bryce seriously at all when he speaks in engrish, nothing against the va i just think its odd how they just couldnt have used the english va lines instead for the moments he speaks english in

side content? without a doubt the most enjoyable side content in the entire series. Dondoko island alone is insane especially when you compare it to earlier minigames like the real estate management from 0, really makes you appreciate how far theyve come with the minigames.

just overall some of the most fun ive ever had with a yakuza game and with very little flaws in the story. rating may change in the future but for now its a solid 5/5

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

madame nere wirr buln the disberievers