For better or worse you know what you're getting with these games.

These are gonna be B-movie silly. Like twelve terribly hokey horror movies piled on top of each other. The dialogue is going to be incredibly unnatural. Characters will react in completely absurd ways to your inputs. There will be no logic to anything. But! It will be laugh out loud fun. The graphics/animation "acting" will be gloriously goofy. Wild things will abound. Strange things shall be afoot. And there will be some fun in there somewhere.

I thought Little Hope flowed a million times better than Man of Medan did. The jump cuts depending on your chosen branches weren't as jarring and almost made sense this time. This could've been due to the story being a bit more linear, but all the branches felt a little more smooth. I think Medan definitely had better, and more, action but Little Hope has a small hint of polish. And the action/story did snowball eventually.

I still got annoyed with some uncontrollable, obtuse, unfair, dumb, unsatisfying turns here and there. But my chosen path actually fit the "twist" cutscene ending pretty darn well. So even though it was stupid, it fit. I was content with the end. The complaints there are probably a tad overblown. But to each their own. I get the arguments against it.

I'm always going to find fun in these... But I wish the games were taking bigger leaps forward between entries. I had planned to churn them all out after having a ton of guilty-pleasure fun with Until Dawn, but then Medan was so clunky and a backwards step I took a break. While I do believe Little Hope is indeed a cleaner experience, it does feel like a mostly sideways step. If/when I play House of Ashes, I hope there's something more. But my doubt of that will likely send the series to the back burner again. The gimmick needs a new fold.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
