With little puzzlers like this you want just a few things. Good puzzles. A difficulty curve that fits those puzzles. A length that fits both of those. And a complete art design, concept or theme to it all. The Pedestrian delivers on all fronts.

You get some mild head scratchers, new folds, and a unique world. I wouldn't call it the most difficult puzzle game by any stretch but it's fun learning the rules of the game's universe. The difficulty curve definitely is not steep and flattens out in the home stretch. But they have one final trick up their sleeve to make you feel like the ending was built up to and fitting. Getting there takes the exact right amount of time to keep things from getting too tired.

The world they built that is just in the background is sometimes more impressive than the puzzles though. And you can't help but wonder if that's really worth the hype compared to similarly difficult and long puzzlers out there. I'd also float it out there that the concept of signage come to life is highly highly underutilized or relevant to the puzzles. This almost would've worked better as comic strips/panels. Regardless, I appreciate the concept and art direction.

I guess I've just played better puzzle games. More difficult puzzle games. And puzzle games that better utilized their universe. So while I enjoyed The Pedestrian, it isn't one I'll etch in the stone that's left of my memories.

A good afternoon of puzzles is always welcomed.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2023
