Short, pleasant SOTN clone. First though: what a terrible title. Sadly the writing in the rest of the game doesn't fare much better. I'm unfamiliar with the original IP, but RoLW:DiWL (lol) seems to have virtually no interest in bringing newcomers up to speed on its world and lore. None of the characters introduced seem to have discernible motivations, though they all apparently know our main character and want to fight her.

Fortunately these perfunctory character moments are only a brief interruption in the otherwise enjoyable exploration gameplay. Movement and combat feel great, with Deedlit gliding effortlessly through her environment. The ability to alternate between elements adds an additional layer to combat, though this has the added effect of occasionally making bosses too easy, providing near-infinite healing during battles. Overall, the enjoyable core gameplay carries the experience's brief runtime.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2022
