I played this game for around 15 years and don't intend to return to it.

WoW always had a grind, but the modern version of the game is especially easily described as a giant hamster wheel. You've gotta log in almost daily to keep up with your reputation and currency grinds and there's not a lot of forgiveness in place for those who fall behind until much later in the expansion where QoL stuff is added to help boost morale and sell the next expansion.

"It'll be better next time - we'll really listen to the players this time!" They say, but they never have and never will. It took me altogether too long to try another MMO because I was so deeply controlled by a Sunk Cost Fallacy from years of buying mounts and paying for game-time that when I mustered up the courage to try out others in the genre like GW2 and FFXIV it hurt my heart to know how badly Blizzard has treated its fans especially in the last decade or so. I'm only ashamed to know it took a massive lawsuit to finally make me put it down for good.

My only hope is the playerbase recognizes the continued abuse and stops supporting the company and lets WoW fade into obscurity - it was fun while it lasted, but no king rules forever.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

And don't get me wrong - I LOVED this game. I LOVE this game. I just don't want to support a company that doesn't give a fuck about the quality of the game they put out beyond the art and music. If a game isn't fun to play any more, why play it? Nostalgia only gets me so far any more and my sentimental ass isn't exactly difficult to move emotionally. I'll always have my memories of better times and the friends I've made who also quit for greener pastures and that's what matters in the end.