This game is a beautiful game. It really looks like a next gen game, surrounded by stars, planet fauna, and atmosphere that can make even the most immersive games ashamed. But, it feels like a past gen game from 2015.

The best way I can describe this game is: Shallow. This game is shallow. It's not as shallow as no man's sky on release, but this game is riddled with side quests and random events that feel boring. While they try to make these interesting, it's just kind of held back by the fact starfield is a game that's been made 7 times already. Like I've already played this quest before. There's nothing new being done here. A quest where I have to clear a ship/base for X reason. Factions consist of "were the good guys" or "were the bad guys" and it doesn't get more deep than that. To get astral powers, you HAVE to explore these big ass temples that is cool for the first 3 times, but that quickly gets stale. There are 24 of these powers. They're kind of cool, like one of the first ones is that you can levitate enemies in the air for a while, but I found myself not using it very often as the guns I got did the work just fine. Exploration feels awful because of everything from enemies to bases to assets inside the bases just feel copy pasted. You've seen one base, you've seen them all. Maybe hope this time that this base isn't copy pasted and it was manually created for a sidequest or something. Everything just feels lackluster.

The other thing that really got my goat is the fucking LOADING SCREENS. Holy fuck. Has probably been said thousands of times before, but EVERY TIME you enter or leave a planet/starbase you gotta watch your dumbass character get out of the chair and walk out the ship yourself or vice versa. I'm not even kidding, once you start unlocking different planets, even fast traveling becomes annoying as fuck. I understand it's for load times but damn my first 3 hours had like ATLEAST 15 combined minutes of that ONE loading screen on a decent PC. Combine this with above average dialogue/writing at best and awful at worst and you have a game that's a little bit below mid.

Someone described Starfield as a game for dads. And honestly, they're right. If you don't want to read too much into an adventure game, don't want to think too much, enjoy basic stories that aren't that compelling and basic gunplay that hasn't changed since 2008, have patience to sit through the same awful loading screen 312809 times, want to play fallout games but want a reason to use your high spec PC, then this game is for you, and you're probably old and can't taste how awful the Bethesda Slop™ is. Spend level up points to simply do 20% more damage with 1 type of gun instead of doing something cool. Level up your lockpicking and now you can pick locks up to level 60, wow. Whatever. If you haven't touched any bethesda games, this game is probably amazing. Let me know when Bethesda actually tries to make something new and fun instead of re-releasing the same game for the 20th time.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
