First person games like this aren't my first choice when gaming, as someone who gets motion sickness playing these types of games, but I was able to finish this one no problem!!! <33

What Remains of Edith Finch is a very immersive story with beautiful graphics and a wonderful way of telling the story and tales you play. (The soundtrack is also very calming!! :D and fits with each story well!!!) Each story hits you in a different way, but the main thing the game is trying to tell hits hard, nonetheless.

I would've rated this higher had I not figured out what was going to happen halfway through it, even if you have a inkling what might happen while playing this, I'd still suggest playing it.

It's hard for me to tier the stories or say which one's are my favorites because like I said they all hit in different ways and leave you with a lasting impression..

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2023
