It's a 2d top down rougelike with a Special Mechanic: the dungeons are made up of floating platforms on the water and you can move the platform you're on with the right analog stick. I really do enjoy this twist, being able to literally change your battlefield on the fly opens a lot of possibilities! And also there are fun puzzles when you navigate through the dungeons!

The game as a whole though I did not enjoy. Its many systems and mechanics contradict each other often.

Its combat features the soulslike staples like light/heavy attacks using RB/RT, dodging, parrying, estus, viscerals, etc. and it just doesn't feel right. The small pixel art makes it hard to tell what is happening, when to dodge/parry, and what enemy hitboxes are. The frantic rolling and parrying, which uses the A and B buttons, and the tactical platform moving don't go together. The weapon and item system that encourages you to combo light attacks also don't go well with the constant dodging and parrying.

Also parrying isn't satisfying.

The other big contradiction is in the rougelike part. I feel like it wants to be something like Dead Cells, with knowledge (the currency that unlocks items) lost on death but spendable between levels, as well as bonuses for finishing levels quickly. But then you have long levels, costly unlocks, and knowledge just doesn't drop very often. So runs felt... not rewarding. Also the encouragement to rush through levels and enemies felt contradictory to the puzzle solving and combat; plus the clock ticks in the safe zone!

There are some really nice new mechanics like the sliding platforms, the potion gambling, and the dungeon modifiers you can equip. But overall the game is just... not something I want to do one more run of.

Reviewed on May 08, 2022
