The first Fromsoftware game that I have no real desire to finish. Basically, it's everything I didn't like about Dark Souls 3 but worse and with less of what made DeS/DaS1 stand out. Even the legacy dungeons, which sometimes make decent use of the jump button, are ruined by checkpoint spam that removes any tension from exploration. The combat is not significantly changed from Dark Souls 3, but the bosses are even more obnoxious and spammy. When every single attack has perfect radial tracking, a weird delay designed to catch you out, and they can slide 50 feet across the ground just to hit you, the bosses begin to blend together and feel samey. This isn't helped by the fact that many of the worst bosses are copied more than 10 times across the map, which makes me even less inclined to explore the already bloated world.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
