It's pretty cool, it just doesn't come close to my favourite Train Building Game "Sid Meier's Railroads", but it's still fun to pass time

I love Outrun 2006, it's basically the enbodiment of everything an Arcade Racer should do with plenty of content and amazing driving, I also played the PSP Version which is really good, despite sometimes lagging a bit, it isn't really noticable and is really fun!

The cars could maybe steer a bit better and sometimes they feel like they're on soap but the game is general is really amazing and a must play on the sega dreamcast :)

I love that the balancing is so broken, it's really fun to revisit every now and then and to just play the shit out of it and to try out all the character to realise that you just need Cable, Storm and Sentinel and that the rest is useless, it's great !

the end boss sucks massive ass though

The racing is good for a PSP game I guess but there's simply NOTHING TO DO ! it's really boring....

this rating may seem like it's way too high, but it's really really fun!

I played the shit out of this game when I was younger, it maybe isn't one of the greatest management games out there, but I think it's really fun and you can really sink a ton of time into this game if you want to!

the controls truly suck ass, but it's pretty entertaining for a while

The gameplay in this one is incredibly simple but it still is really charming and the game just makes me smile :)

pretty neat little game with some cool mechanics and a really cool aesthetic, it's really short though and nothing too special

I don't get why this game has such a low rating, I'm a huge fan of this game, while sometimes confusing, it's still really fun and addictive!

Amazing Project which shows a lot of promise, I bet it'll be a game that I'll regularly play once all the content + online mode is included!

This is a game you all should not skip, compilation of 5 Shoot em Ups that range from being good to being a masterpiece!

Really fun game! ( and I know one of the developers he is really nice and told me a lot of stories about the game's development, gets an extra half star <3)

this is literally one of my favourite GTA Games