It is a turn your brain off blockbuster, it has a fast paced, action driven plot which is like a cheesy and goofy scifi/action flick. Characters are charming in their own way as well. My only issue is how the boss battles break immersion/ kill the excitement you get from the plot (I mean it because I couldnt beat the final boss, and just watched it on youtube, IMO i was so close to the end that it counts as "completed game")- to only frustrate you and how the twists despite being exciting at first, don't really live an impact. I also like how the choices kind of matter in this game. The issue of frame rate dips is another thing which bothered me when I played this on PS3.
Decent but entertaining cookie cutter narrative/characters, kind of suckish boss fights and fast paced action to keep you both entertained and frustrated at the same, I was debating whether to give this a 6 or 7. For the time being my final score is 6/10, but it was close to being a 7.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2021
