"Hey, Bass! Why must I fight you?! We are not enemies!" - Megaman, speaking to the robot that was created for the sole purpose of defeating him

Megaman 8 is.. just okay, for the most part. I can definitely say there is a ton of charm in its art style and music. The spritework and animations are extremely fluid and so well done, and the toy-like art direction along with the more laid-back OST compared to its NES predecessors gives MM8 a really chill vibe that really sets it apart from its brothers.

..I wish all of that was done in a much better game, though. MM8 is filled with nothing level design that just makes it feel like you're going through the motions, sometimes interrupted by hit-or-miss gimmicks. It can get kinda fun in stages like Aqua Man and Search Man, but then other times I feel absolutely nothing going through these stages, unless MM8 flips a coin and decides instead of boredom it decides to make me suffer. I saw a glimpse of hell and it was called Wily Stage 1. I do like how the decision to split the game into two halves means the developers could take advantage of the Robot Master weapons you gained in the first half, though. Stages like Search Man makes neat use of it. Mini-bosses and regular bosses in this game also don't fare much better, with them being so easy to take down it's not even funny. You can absolutely wail on bosses like Frost Man and Sword Man and take them down in no time flat.

It's a shame, it really is. I desperately wanted to like this game as it caught my eye visually, but all I got was a game that just left me so, incredibly bored. Megaman 7's level design and boss roster feel so well done, that MM8 just feels like a total disappointment in comparison. Even moreso when I remember it came out the same year as Megaman X4.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2022


1 year ago

I always find it weird how big the cult following for MM8 is cause I always forget what most of it is even like, aside from the bad dub, subpar sled sections, and the admittedly really good Electrical Communication.

I also don't trust anyone that says 7 is slow while praising this game, as big as 7's sprites are I'm not spamming the slide button every chance I get to get a semblance of adequate speed like I am in this game.

1 year ago

it appears i have made a grave error, megaman x4 actually released a year after this game, i will be killing myself immediately to make up for this unforgivable mistake