(Review of the campaign only.)
I was skeptical with this game, first because I don't really like the aesthetics of modern warfare games, second because I though that a big portion of the praise this game gets is purely because of nostalgia. I still think that nostalgia is a big portion of why people love this so much, but having now played it I can say that nostalgia is not all there is to it.
MW2 has an excellent immersion and pacing. The missions feel shorter than in other Call of Duty games I've tried, but it is just entering one and being immersed for the full mission. The scenarios, the npcs, the sound and the music makes you always feel like you really are out in the battlefield.
For the story, I can't really tell. You can point this at me having ADD, but I really think I'm not the only one who thinks that the story of the old CoD games is very hard to follow, and this in MW2 feels even worse than other games of the series. I love "No Russian", I think that it is impactful in a good way, and really helps set the tone of the whole campaign, but I think that it does feel kind of off because of the fact that it is hard to follow what was even happening, and while I apreciate how straight to the point the game is, I think that there could have been a bigger effort on making the plot understandable.
Overall, MW2 is a great title. I don't like it nearly as much as WAW or BO1, but it definitely surprise me since the modern warfare is not a theme I'm particularly invested in.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

no russian was awful no matter what since it's just killing innocents then blaming it on someone else entirely causing a world war