A truly fantastic superhero gaming experience. Lines up right alongside Arkham City and Arkham Knight on the pantheon of superhero games. Just a really great game. A fun and easygoing, easy-to-follow storyline with zippy web-slinging gameplay. Tons of cool spidey suits and lots of neat sidequests and collectibles. Combat feels rewarding and encourages playing on higher difficulties. Marvel's Spider-Man makes fighting fun when many games make the combat a chore. Spider-Man makes exploration rewarding as well in a way that even the Batman games failed to do.

It is worth noting that I think Marvel's Spider-Man took heavy 'inspiration from Arkham Knight. Not that that's a bad thing. Arkham Knight is a phenomenal game. But the Spider-Man combat is mechanically identical with the three-button counter-heavy Assassin's Creed style fighting that was common in the Arkham Trilogy. Even many of the gadgets seem reminiscent of the Arkham games. Not to mention that even the final act has huge similarities to Arkham Knight's penultimate act. Evacuated city, a poisonous gas cloud that covers the city surface making you stick to the rooves, simple city traversal itself now becomes very difficult to muster. A plot twist where the villain isn't really 'the' villain. It's a lot of 'inspiration' a point which, I'm again not very upset about because Arkham Knight is a great game,I feel ought to be pointed out.

A great first showing by Insomniac in what I hope continues as a great series

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
