"I intend to write a book about you one day."
"If you do... make it short."

Game is so much better than I remember, especially when going for the platinum. 100% Synchronization makes a lot of the missions a lot more fun, the stakes and sense of challenge creates for a great Assassin's Creed experience, quite possibly the best in the franchise.

This would mark my like... 50th playthrough of the game, but the first time I've actually platinumed it. Something I've been working on since 2014 and finally ended up accomplishing after all this time. This game was my introduction to the franchise, the nostalgia and general love I have for it still holds a special place in my heart... to me, at the moment, the best in the Ezio trilogy if Revelations doesn't dethrone in it's own platinum run.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2023
